<Plenary Session> Opening Ceremony MC: Prof. CHO, Hyang-Mi(CNU)
Opening Remarks: Prof. MOON, Hee Cheol(Director of MERI, CNU)
Welcome Address: Prof. KIM, Hyung Jun(Dean of CEM, CNU)
Congratulatory Address: Dr. LEE Jin-Sook(President, CNU) Dr. CHANG Ji-Sang(President, KIET)
Photo Time & Coffee Break
<Keynote Speeches> Session Chair : Dr. PARK Kong-Gyue(CNU)
Keynote Speakers(15 minutes per speaker) Dr. CHO Jae-Han (KIET, Korea) Prof. MIN Hokey (Bowling Green State Univ. USA) Prof. LIM Seong-Bae (Greehey School of Business St. Mary's Univ. USA) Prof. ZHANG Lijuan (Shandong Univ. China)