
Dear honored guests and prospective conference participants,

In celebration of the 41st Anniversary of College of Economics and Management(CEM) and Management and Economics Research Institute(MERI) at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, Korea, we cordially invite you to the 2nd International Conference on IR 4.0 and GVC (ICIG 2020), which will be held in the form of a webinar using Zoom( and Youtube( platform. The theme of the ICIG 2020 is “Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Value Chains in Globalization 4.0 Era”.

We are living in the world characterized by “Globalization 4.0”, which means simultaneous advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution and more deepened globalization. In order to gain a competitive edge in the Globalization 4.0 era, it is important to adopt and utilize new innovative technologies including ABC(AI, Big Data, and Cloud) that make it easier for any company and government to create more value added and secure a share of entire GVCs(global value chains). However, COVID-19 pandemic, a global public health crisis, has reignited an old debate on the benefits and costs of GVCs, and recent indicators measuring the length of value chains confirm that GVCs have become shorter due to decline in fragmentation of production across borders. In this context, it is very important to examine the impact of COVID-19 on global value chains (GVCs) to promote more resilient GVCs and ensure a sustainable economic recovery within a shortest time.

ICIG is the specially organized international conference on IR 4.0 and GVC by CEM and MERI, CNU together with Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade(KIET), one of the world’s leading think-tank for industrial policy. We have great deal of experiences in holding international conferences in the field of economics, management, and international trade. To improve and strengthen the academic exchanges and cooperation with our existing and prospective sister universities worldwide, we will be holding this kinds of international conferences every year. The aim of ICIG is to support, encourage and provide a platform for networking, sharing ideas, promoting international cooperative research on IR 4.0, GVC and other relate issues from the perspective of economics, management, and international trade.

We warmly invite all the practitioners, academics, and policy makers to present their idea or research either online or offline at this special webinar-type conference. We eagerly look forward to your proactive participation and cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. KIM Hyung Jun (Dean, College of Economics and Management, CNU)
Dr. MOON Hee Cheol (Director, Management and Economics Research Institute, CNU)

Host & Sponsor

Co-Organized by

Management and Economics Research Institute(MERI)
College of Economics and Management(CEM),CNU

Co-Host by

Chungnam National University(CNU)
Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trane(KIET)
Korea Trade Research Association(KTRA)
National Economics and Management Association of Korea(NEMA)

Sponsored by

National Research Foundation of Korea
Daejeon Metropolitan City
Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise